Orane’s 25th Anniversary Celebration: A Milestone Event
This profound sentiment beautifully encapsulates the essence of Orane International’s 25th anniversary…….
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Orane International Featured in Estetica Magazine
We are excited to share that Orane International has been…
Orane Shines as Title Sponsor at India Beauty & Spa
In the dynamic world of beauty and wellness, self-grooming emerged…
Farrukh Shamuratov MasterClasses: A Memorable Display of Hair Styling and
In this pursuit, we hosted international makeup and hairstylist guru…
Orane is India’s first Institute that has been Affiliated to
CIBTAC offers international certification in Health and Beauty Therapy courses….
Orane International Grand Annual Convocation 2017
An Invitation to Orane International Grand Annual Convocation Ceremony 2017…
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