Today, the beauty and wellness domain is a hotbed for jobs and opportunities. With numerous beauty institutes offering a variety of beauty courses, individuals have ample opportunities to acquire the skills required to thrive in this domain. And they can do this without even enrolling themselves into lengthy courses.
A diploma course in hair designing, a certificate in basic spa, or any of the similar courses are enough to get a job in this domain and become financially independent.
However, the employment scenario has not always been the same in India. If you go back a couple of decades, you would realize that there was an acute shortage of jobs. For proof, pick up some Bollywood movies of the 90s and you will see that in most of them the lead character does not have a job. A decade and some years later, the scenario changed. It was followed by the degree fever that we see today. Every student that you would check with either wants to be an engineer or a doctor. Hence, most of them study for these courses. And as a result, India is loaded with engineers and doctors (more appropriately degree holders!)
However, a vast majority of these individuals either don’t have jobs or they aren’t happy with their jobs. This has led to the rise of the ongoing Skill vs. Degree debate. Is a degree more important than acquiring the skills for the job? Or are skills enough to land a job and do well while on the job? These days, a host of similar questions flood the minds of the young population as they try to plan their careers.
This Glassdoor Survey might be the answer
In a survey conducted by Glassdoor, a leading job’s and recruiting site, 7 out of 10 employees stated that specialized training to acquire a specialized skill is more important than a degree in a workplace. What does this mean? This survey was conducted to motivate the recruiters to adopt a skill-based approach and to judge people based on their skills rather than on degrees. This is surprising, especially in the light of the fact that the rat race of earning a degree is still going strong. Many of these people might have a degree in the years to come but we are not really sure about what their employment status will be.

The truth: Skills are trending
Yes, skills are trending and like never before. Everything points in this direction. Have you not heard our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, speak about the importance of skills and the reforms that he is bringing to achieve skill development in the country? This is a clear indication to the obvious fact that any career building activity has to consider this vital aspect of skill development. And in the years to come this trend is only going to strengthen.
So, how should you approach your career?
If you want to earn faster, have flexibility of taking jobs that you like, set up a business of your own, then developing a skill of your choice might be a good idea. For instance, if you like the beauty and wellness space, you can easily complete a cosmetology course in 6 months and start practicing as a beauty and wellness professional. You can also set up a beauty parlor business of your own. The opportunities are never ending!
Institutes that promote Skill Development
The rising demand for skill training has led to the growth of institutes that train students in a variety of skills. These institutes have been front runners in helping the government to make India the skill landscape that they want her to be in the future. One such institute that is running head and shoulders ahead of the others is Orane. This beauty and wellness institute is known for its top class training facilities and well-qualified trainers. The placement model and support that the institute features are top draw, helping the students to plan their job searches right till they land a job. The courses that Orane offers include diploma in cosmetology, diploma in body therapy, advanced mehndi course and many more. You name the course and Orane has got it!
Are you still confused? A skill or a degree? Let us know your thoughts. And if you have a story to share, we would love to hear from you.